
We are proud to have among us people who have the valuable experience of shouting out orders in the oil exchange pit. And the younger generation easily navigates the new platforms and technologies.

We are proud of our ability to travel far and fast, to go to the source in remote locations.

We have crude oil trading specialists and representatives around the globe. They have first-hand knowledge and expertise in the markets, maintain long-term relationships with key market participants—producers, refiners, logistics companies, and storage experts—and are actively involved in developing projects related to existing and new crude oil flows. KARMENTO:

  • Effectively manages market risk
  • Maintains long-term relationships in key global markets
  • Possesses expertise in identifying physical dislocations in the market
  • Has extensive logistics capabilities
  • Produces in-house market intelligence and analysis
  • Has co-ownership of key physical assets that complement trading and shipping
  • Possesses the ability to structure or pre-finance deals